Beyond Squarefeet is the only "SHOPPING MALL SPECIALIST®" to hand hold a Shopping Mall project from a 360˚ approach, which basically means that Beyond Squarefeet provides all services required for any Mall development or Mall management project with an integrated and holistic approach. Beyond Squarefeet comes with complete accountability for all the services provided.
As a "Hand Holding Advisory Partner", we advise our clients for Mall development projects either at the green field level or at the brown field level. We manage all the services as a whole or one can also cherry-pick any of the services rendered by us based on your needs or upon our suggestion. However, we do not take up individual "LEASING" assignments as WE ARE NOT PROPERTY AGENTS/BROKERS.
Below is the list of services which we provide to any Mall, however, we are open to add-on services as per Mall/Project needs or market conditions. Each service is headed by a specialist business head with more than 15 years of experience. Beyond Squarefeet has the skills, competence & capabilities to hand hold any Mall for any service.

Pre-Project Planning
- Market Research
- Feasibility Study

Design & Development
- Architecture
- Interior Design
- Peer Review

Marketing & Lease Management
- Pre-Lease
- B2B Marketing
- Lease Management

Fit-Out Management
- Design Criteria & Fit-Out Manual Creation
- LOD (Lease Outline Drawing) Creation
- Retailer Design Co-Ordination
- Retailer Services Facilitation
- On site retail work progress (monitoring)
- Periodic retailer meetings & follow-up
- Push Retailers to complete work on time
- Total co-ordination of fit-outs of the Mall
- Complete aesthetical & technical co-ordination with Retailers.

Mall/Asset Management
- SOP Creation for Mall Management
- Events & promotions calendar
- Events & promotions tie-ups
- Advertising & marketing
- Brand building
- Receivables (rent) collection
- Mall Management team appointment & training
- Organization creation with policies, procedures, & systems
- Creation/identification of NLI Spaces
- Consolidation of Area Statements / GLA Ratification

Mall Re-Orientation
- SWOT of the Mall
- Re-positioning the Mall (including brand image)
- Layout planning
- Shop size re-allocation
- Horizontal & Vertical circulation improvisation
- Zoning & Tenant mix
- Improvisation of traffic and pedestrian circulation/movement
- Elevation improvisation
- Space efficiency Management
- GLA improvisation
- Mall interiors enhancement
- Improve sightline / Visibility of the retail stores

Mall Marketing Service
- Footfall Enhancement
- Events & Promotions
- Digital Marketing

Mall Monetisation
- Represent Exclusive Buy Side & Sell Side
- Facilitate Equity / Buyout.
- Mall Turnaround Strategy
- Documentation Support.
- Valuation based on Mall Management experience.
- Technical Audit